Dev Infotech

UJJAWAL: Providing Items for Schools

Providing Items for Schools Image

Study Tables and Benches for Underprivileged Students

UJJAWAL is dedicated to providing essential items to schools, including Computers, Projectors, Smart Boards, Water Coolers, and RO systems. One of our key initiatives is to provide study tables or benches to underprivileged students studying in primary schools. These study tables and benches help them study in a good posture, allowing them to concentrate better and avoid health issues like backaches. A good learning posture promotes better focus and comfort during extended study sessions.

School Kit Distribution

We distribute school kits to primary school students, which include School Bags, Notebooks, Compass Boxes with stationery like Pen, Pencil, Eraser, Sharpener, Scale, Drawing Books & Colors, and Water Bottles. This initiative fulfills the basic educational needs of underprivileged students, enabling them to focus on their day-to-day studies with confidence.

School Set-Up and Fabrication

In addition to providing items like computers, projectors, smart boards, water coolers, and RO systems, we also assist schools in setting up their infrastructure. This includes school set-up, fabrication of sheds, and providing various items as per the school's specific requirements, creating a conducive learning environment for students.

Dev Infotech